Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My PS's office called today to schedule an abdominal CT to see if the swelling is due to muscle laxity. It's scheduled for Jan 4. I thought he was going to wait to order the CT until after my Stage 2 surgery in February, but I guess he changed his mind. That's ok with me because I'd rather know sooner than later just exactly what's behind this problem.

Dr. S said I'd start to have some "electrical shock" type sensations within a few months after surgery. He says it's a sign that some of the nerves are starting to regenerate. I've had several of them in the last week. They are very brief, but definitely there. A good sign.

Monday, December 28, 2009

December 22, 2009 office visit

I saw my PS today for a final consult before my Stage 2 surgery on February 3, 2010. Three separate procedures will be done during that surgery, in this order - ovary and uterus removal, bladder lift, stage 2 breast revisions. My PS's goal is to make my breasts symmetrical since the left is slightly larger. I would need a small implant on the right to match the left side, so I definitely said no to that. The whole idea was to avoid implants. So, the left side will be reduced slightly to match the right. The right side will have some fat grafts to plump things up abit and create a more natural slope. That will involve some lipo. I've heard that is quite painful, but he says it won't be nearly as invasive or painful as regular cosmetic lipo. There will be lots of bruising, though, and I'll have to wear a compression garment for a week or so. Breast drains are a slight possibility, but if I need them, they'll be removed at the first post-op visit in 6 days. Both breasts will be moved towards the center more. They're a bit to the east and west right now! He thinks he will most likely be able to do nipple creation assuming everything else has gone well up to that point. He'll also remove the dog ears at the end of the abdominal incision.

My abdominal swelling remains the same. Very annoying. I was afraid he'd want to open the abdominal incision to see what's going on, but he said let's wait until the Lupron has a chance to wear off (February 10 will be 3 months). If Lupron isn't the cause of the swelling, then he'll order a CT scan. If necessary, he can use abdominal mesh to pull my abdomen back in. I was worried that I'd be left with a "tight girdle" feeling if he has to do that, but he says I won't. He says it will be unnoticeable. So, I'm still hoping that Lupron is the culprit because I certainly don't relish the thought of any more abdominal surgery.

He said I'd stay one night in the hospital as far as he was concerned. Any additional days would be at the order of the gyn and/or urologist. Let's hope not.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

My biggest complaint right now is still abdominal swelling. After consulting with the PS and oncologist, the two possible causes are the Lupron or some abdominal fascia laxity. The frustrating thing is that there's no way to know for sure just now. The Lupron won't wear off until mid-February. I've read that a CT scan can detect abdominal laxity, but I don't see the PS again until just before Xmas. He assures me that if that's the cause, then it's very easily corrected during Stage 2 surgery. I'd rather him find out from testing than to do any more exploratory work than he absolutely has to.

I had a consult today with a urologist. He plans to do a bladder lift during the same surgery. I can thank those two big babies I had for that problem! They were worth it, though! So, assuming the PS and gyno's procedures go well, the urologist will do his procedure last. I guess it's kind of like going in for an overhaul - ha!