Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, Oct 1 - Another fitful night of sleep. Couldn't stand the recliner anymore, so I moved to the loveseat. No good. Then to the living room couch which was much more comfortable. But when I tried to get up, I was like the proverbial turtle on it's back! I took a very mild sleeping pill before bed, so when that hadn't helped in 1 1/2 hours, I took a second one. Wow - a little too much for me, but I did at least sleep better. So looks like nights are going to be the hardest time for me for awhile until I can sleep on a more comfortable surface.

I went all day just taking Tylenol. That worked fine for pain. I did have to call the nurse because one abdominal drain kept leaking right where the tube emerges from the incision. She said that wasn't that ununual. We had already been careful to strip the tube thoroughly, but it didn't change anything. Well, for some reason, it's quite seeping as of this morning.

I have my first office visit on Friday morning. According to the nurse, if each drain produces <20cc>

Both breasts are looking less bruised. Abdomen still has some areas of dark bruising near the incisions. Swelling doesn't seem to be excessive and the whole abdomen is quite firm to the touch. I don't want to do much poking around, though.

As far as sensation goes, the skin areas that had started to regain sensation since the mastectomy (the low, center part of each breast about an inch or so in diameter) still have the same amount of sensation as before the DIEP. At least nothing was lost there. Dr. S says that it'll be 6-12 months before I start regaining much sensation, but I do feel internal sensation to some degree, if that makes sense. Not on top of the skin, but inside the breast. Certainly nothing like normal, but at least I know they're there! It's wonderful not to feel the seams of those darn expanders poking out under my skin. And wonderful not to feel my pecs right under my skin. I just couldn't get used to being able to flex my boobs! These already look more like real breasts even though they haven't softened up yet and are kind of wide and flatter than they will be when they're fully healed. It seems like they'll be a pretty good size match to the originals!

Dr. S said that he did nerve reconnections during the DIEP, so I'm looking forward to talking to him more about that tomorrow.


  1. I just found your blog. Thank you for your posts. I had a double mastectomy (Stage 2B, BRAC2 positive) 2 weeks ago. I chose to go DIEP reconstruction. I'm relieved to hear about your reaction to the tissue expanders. They feel weird, but I'm glad that's normal. I start radiation in a few weeks, then when it ends, 6 months to my reconstruction. I appreciate so much your honest comments. I want to go in prepared for what to expect. I'll be following your blog. I hope that every day you feel better and sleep better!

  2. Thanks! Glad to hear you're past your mastectomy. That was definitely the hardest surgery for me physically and mentally. I'm still pinching myself over this DIEP procedure. Can't believe how darn good I feel.

    I did the standard radiation treatments 9 years ago. I will say I didn't have one minute of trouble with them. People said I'd feel tired, but I was fine. The biggest pain was just driving there and back everyday. Even at the end, my skin had only a slightly sunburned pink look. So, don't worry too much about radiation. It may sound goofy, but I silently chanted my own little "mantra/prayer" during each radiation session.
    Outside of chemo, which I thankfully never had to experience, I think expanders and drains are the most evil things known to women - ha! I had expanders for 5 months and you do somewhat get used to them. They'll never feel great (mine were never painful like some women have), but you do begin to have periods of time where you aren't acutely aware of them.

    As time goes by after your mastectomy, let me know if you start feeling burning sensations in your chest. From what I've read, most people don't experience that, but I did. They freaked me out and I cried many a tear over it, but it did finally go away. My doctor told me some techniques to make it better. So, if you have that, please contact me.

    I took a nap on my own bed today and it was glorious! No more recliner sleeping and internet surfing at 2am for me!

    Where are you having your surgery?
